
Manga in America: Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics. London: Bloomsbury, 2016. [link]
Brienza, Casey, Laura Robinson, Barry Wellman, Shelia R. Cotten, and Wenhong Chen, eds. The "M" in CITAMS@30: Media Sociology. London: Emerald, 2018. [link]
Wellman, Barry, Laura Robinson, Casey Brienza, Wenhong Chen, and Shelia R. Cotten, eds. Networks, Hacking, and Media - CITAMS@30: Now and Then and Tomorrow. London: Emerald, 2018. [link]
Brienza, Casey and Paddy Johnston, eds. Cultures of Comics Work. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. [link]
Global Manga: "Japanese" Comics without Japan? London: Routledge, 2015. [link]
"The Masturbation Article Affair: Japanese Manga, Scholarly Publishing, and the Twenty-First Century Politics of Censorship." Publishing Research Quarterly. 39.2 (2023): 132-146. [link]
"Domesticating Manga? Japanese Comics and Transnational Publishing." International Journal of Comic Art. 20.1 (2018): 81-97.
Revers, Matthias and Casey Brienza. "How Not to Establish a Subfield: Media Sociology in the United States." The American Sociologist. 49.3 (2018): 352-368. [LEAD ARTICLE] [link]
"Qui est Charlie...? A Sociological Perspective on Charlie Hebdo and the Culture of Comics." Publishing Research Quarterly. 33.4 (2017): 373-379. [link]
Brienza, Casey and Matthias Revers. "The Field of American Media Sociology: Origins, Resurrection, and Consolidation." Sociology Compass. 10.7 (2016): 539-552. [link]
"Degrees of (Self-)Exploitation: Learning to Labour in the Neoliberal University." Academic Freedom and the Contemporary Academy. Spec. issue of Journal of Historical Sociology. 29.1 (2016): 92-111. [link]
"Publishing between Profit and Public Value: Academic Books and Open Access Policies in the United Kingdom." Books and Publishing in the Digital Age. Spec. issue of Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook. 13 (2015): 65-81. [link]
"Activism, Legitimation, or Record: Towards a New Tripartite Typology of Academic Journals." Journal of Scholarly Publishing. 46.2 (2015): 141-157. [link]
"Did Manga Conquer America? Implications for the Cultural Policy of 'Cool Japan'." International Journal of Cultural Policy. 20.4 (2014): 383-398. [link]
"Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Manga in America." Sociology Compass. 8.5 (2014): 468-477. [link]
"Remembering the Future: Cartooning Alternative Life Courses in Up and Future Lovers." The Journal of Popular Culture. 46.2 (2013): 299-314. [link]
"Taking Otaku Theory Overseas: Comics Studies and Japan's Theorists of Postmodern Cultural Consumption." From Akira to Žižek: Comics and Contemporary Cultural Theory. Ed. Tony Venezia. Spec. issue of Studies in Comics. 3.2 (2012): 213-229. [LEAD ARTICLE] [link]
"Opening the Wrong Gate? The Academic Spring and Scholarly Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences." Publishing Research Quarterly. 28.3 (2012): 159-171. [LEAD ARTICLE] [link]
"Manga Is for Girls: American Publishing Houses and the Localization of Japanese Comic Books." Logos: Journal of the World Publishing Community. 22.4 (2011): 41-53. [link]
"Producing Comics Culture: A Sociological Approach to the Study of Comics." Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 1.2 (2010): 105-119. [link]
"Books, Not Comics: Publishing Fields, Globalization, and Japanese Manga in the United States." Publishing Research Quarterly. 25.2 (2009): 101-117. [link]
"Paratexts in Translation: Reinterpreting 'Manga' for the United States." The International Journal of the Book. 6.2 (2009): 13-20. [link]
Brienza, Casey and Paddy Johnston. "Introduction: Understanding Comics as Cultural Work." Cultures of Comics Work. Eds. Casey Brienza and Paddy Johnston. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. [link]
"Introduction: Manga without Japan?" Global Manga: "Japanese" Comics without Japan?. Ed. Casey Brienza. London: Routledge, 2015. 1-21. [link]
"'Manga Is Not Pizza': The Performance of Ethno-racial Authenticity and the Politics of American Anime and Manga Fandom in Svetlana Chmakova's Dramacon." Global Manga: "Japanese" Comics without Japan?. Ed. Casey Brienza. London: Routledge, 2015. 95-113. [link]
"Objects of Otaku Affection: Animism, Anime Fandom, and the Gods of...Consumerism?" The Handbook of Contemporary Animism. Ed. Graham Harvey. London: Routledge, 2013. 479-490. [link]
"Beyond B&W? The Global Manga of Felipe Smith." Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation. Eds. Sheena C. Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. 79-94. [link]
"Pride and Present: Solidarities and Selective Histories in Progressive Social Movements." Discover Society. 24 (2015). [link]
"Does Manga's Transnational Cool Benefit Japan?" Discover Society. 6 (2014). [link]
"What Do Publishers Know?" Debating Open Access. Eds. Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval. Spec. section of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 11.2 (2013): 515-520. [link]
"E-books Are for Reading Selling." Contexts. 11.1 (2012): 58-59. [link]
"The Space Between." The Korea Fulbright Review. 4 (2004): 18-25.
"Adoption, White Women and the Keeping of Culture." Contexts. 8.4 (2009): 79-81. [link]
Rev. of Gender and Sexuality in Modern Japan, by Sabine Frühstück. CHOICE. (forthcoming)
Rev. of Transnational Kaijū: Exploitation, Globalisation and Cult Monster Movies, by Steven Rawle. CHOICE 60.10 (2023).
Rev. of A History of Butô, by Bruce Baird. CHOICE 60.9 (2023).
Rev. of Feeling Media: Potentiality and the Afterlife of Art, by Miryam Sas. CHOICE 60.8 (2023).
Rev. of Philosophy of Comics: An Introduction, by Sam Cowling and Wesley Cray. CHOICE 60.7 (2023).
Rev. of The Immersive Enclosure: Virtual Reality in Japan, by Paul Roquet. CHOICE 60.6 (2023).
Rev. of Genre Worlds: Popular Fiction and Twenty-First-Century Book Culture, by Kim Wilkins, Beth Driscoll, and Lisa Fletcher. Publishing Research Quarterly. 2022. Online First. [link]
Rev. of Disney, by Stacey Mintzer Herlihy. CHOICE. 60.4 (2022).
Rev. of Dangerous Ideas: A Brief History of Censorship in the West, from the Ancients to Fake News, by Eric Berkowitz. Publishing Research Quarterly. 38.3 (2022): 612-613. [link]
Rev. of Everything and Less: The Novel in the Age of Amazon, by Mark McGurl. Publishing Research Quarterly. 38.2 (2022): 441-442. [link]
Rev. of Comics and the Body: Drawing, Reading, and Vulnerability, by Eszter Szep. CHOICE. 59.5 (2022).
Rev. of Reading, Wanting, and Broken Economics: a Twenty-First-Century Study of Readers and Bookshops in Southampton Around 1900, by Simon R. Frost. Publishing Research Quarterly. 37.4 (2021): 676-678. [link]
Rev. of Archie's Rivals in Teen Comics, 1940s—1970s: A History, by Michelle Nolan. CHOICE. 58.5 (2021).
Rev. of Embracing Differences: Transnational Cultural Flows between Japan and the United States, by Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt. Pacific Affairs. 89.1 (2016): 163-164. [link]
Rev. of Internet Literature in China, by Michel Hockx. LSE Review of Books. 17 July 2015. [link]
Rev. of Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism, by Judy Wajcman. LSE Review of Books. 24 April 2015. [link]
Rev. of Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday, by Christine Hine. LSE Review of Books. 9 April 2015. [link]
Rev. of Hard-Core Romance: Fifty Shades of Grey, Best-Sellers, and Society, by Eva Illouz. Publishing Research Quarterly. 31.1 (2015): 89-90. [link]
Rev. of Enhancing the Doctoral Experience: A Guide for Supervisors and Their International Students, by Steve Hutchinson, Helen Lawrence and Dave Filipovic-Carter. LSE Review of Books. 28 Jan. 2015. [link]
Rev. of The Chinese Fashion Industry: An Ethnographic Approach, by Jianhua Zhao. Contemporary Sociology. 43.6 (2014): 872-873. [link]
Rev. of Twitter: Social Communication in the Twitter Age, by Dhiraj Murthy. Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies. 4.1 (2014): 137-138. [link]
Rev. of Anime: A History, by Jonathan Clements. LSE Review of Books. 6 March 2014. [link]
Rev. of The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan's Media Success Story, by Ian Condry. LSE Review of Books. 13 Nov. 2013. [link]
Rev. of Beautiful Fighting Girl, by Tamaki Saito. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. 4.1 (2013): 185-186. [link]
Rev. of Value and the Media: Cultural Production and Consumption in Digital Markets, by Göran Bolin. Cultural Trends. 22.2 (2013): 139-140. [link]
Rev. of Anime's Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan, by Marc Steinberg. LSE Review of Books. 12 Jan. 2013. [link]
Rev. of The Adaptation Industry: The Cultural Economy of Contemporary Literary Adaptation, by Simone Murray. LSE Review of Books. 6 Oct. 2012. [link]
Rev. of Knowing Books: The Consciousness of Mediation in Eighteenth-Century Britain, by Christina Lupton. Publishing Research Quarterly. 28.3 (2012): 259-260. [link]
Rev. of Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, by Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Publishing Research Quarterly. 28.2 (2012): 150-151. [link]
Rev. of Fandom Unbound: Otaku Culture in a Connected World, edited by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and Izumi Tsuji. LSE Review of Books. 5 May 2012. [link]
Rev. of Straight from the Heart: Gender, Intimacy, and the Cultural Production of Shojo Manga, by Jennifer S. Prough. Publishing Research Quarterly. 27.4 (2011): 370-371. [link]
Rev. of The Book: The Life Story of a Technology, by Nicole Howard. Publishing Research Quarterly 27.3 (2011): 298-299. [link]
Rev. of Multiculturalism in the New Japan: Crossing the Boundaries Within, Volume 6 of Asian Anthropologies, edited by Nelson H. H. Graburn, John Ertl, and R. Kenji Tierney. Sociology. 45.4 (2011): 713-714. [link]
Rev. of Soundbitten: The Perils of Media-Centered Political Activism by Sarah Sobieraj. Sociological Imagination. 18 July 2011. [link]
Rev. of Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England, by William H. Sherman. Publishing Research Quarterly. 26.4 (2010): 301-302. [link]
Rev. of New Media, Old News: Journalism & Democracy in the Digital Age, edited by Natalie Fenton. Sociological Imagination. 6 Oct. 2010. [link]
Rev. of The Enduring Book: Print Culture in Postwar America, Volume 5 of A History of the Book in America, edited by David Paul Nord, Joan Shelley Rubin, Michael Schudson. Publishing Research Quarterly. 26.1 (2010): 72-75. [link]
Rev. of The Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Culture from Consumerism to Control, by Ted Striphas. Publishing Research Quarterly. 25.4 (2009): 282-284. [link]
"Backlist and Frontlist." "Creative Commons." "Scribd." The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society. Ed. Debra L. Merskin. London: Sage, 2020. [link]
"Localization." Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Ed. George Ritzer. Oxford and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 1304-1305. [link]
"A Preconference, a Petition, and a Place for Media Sociology in the Association: A Personal Account." CITAMS Newsletter. Spring 2018: 6-8.
"In Her Own Words: Intergenerational Feminisms and Women's Colleges." Women in Higher Education. 24.3 (2015): 7+. [link]
Rev. of Digital Humanities Summer Institute. University of Victoria, British Columbia, June 2-6, 2014. SHARP News. 23.4 (2014): 21-22.
Rev. of Comics Unmasked: Art and Anarchy in the UK. British Library, London. SHARP News. 23.3 (2014): 19.
"Transnational Manga, Transnational Research." The Fountain: Trinity College Newsletter. 15 (2012): 8-9. [link]
"First Five with Casey Brienza." New Criticals. 6 July 2015. [link]
"Paying Twice or Paying Thrice? Open Access Publishing in a Global System of Scholarly Knowledge Production and Consumption." LSE Impact of Social Sciences. 30 Jan. 2014. [link]
Brienza, Casey, ed. Comics and Cultural Work. Spec. issue of Comics Forum. Dec. 2013. [link]
"Cultural Policy and Zombies." The #culturalvalue Initiative. 3 May 2013. [link]
"Sacrifices and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Academic Careers." Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus). 23 April 2013. [link]
"A Reply to Simon Locke." Comics Forum. 20 Jan. 2012. [link]
"Men of Wonder: Gender and American Superhero Comics." University of Cambridge. 1 Nov. 2011. [link]
"'Tee-Kahf': The Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2011." The Comics Grid. 23 May 2011. [link]
"Communication or Credentialing? On the Value of Academic Publishing." LSE Impact of Social Sciences. 5 May 2011. [link]
"Cuts and Cash Cows." Sociology & the Cuts. 10 March 2011. [link]
"From Journalist to Sociologist: Some Reflections." Sociological Imagination. 1 Feb. 2011. [link]
"Postgraduates and the Privatization of English Higher Education." Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus). 16 Nov. 2010. (co-authored with Ernesto Priego) [link]
"Community Means Us, Part 2: A Response from Andrew Hacker, Co-Author of Higher Education?." Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus). 12 Oct. 2010. [link]
"Community Means Us." Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus). 7 Oct. 2010. [link]
"Categorizing Manga by Standardizing the Paratext." In Media Res. 2 April 2010. [link]
"Writing Academic Book Reviews." Inside Higher Ed. 27 March 2015. [link]
"Why You (Yes, You!) Should Write Book Reviews." Inside Higher Ed. 5 December 2014. [link]
"Magische Mädchen und Girl Revolutions." an.schläge: Das feministische Magazin. March 2014: 18-19. [link]
"Asterix comics study: 'research sets a troubling precedent'." Daily Telegraph. 16 June 2011. [link]
"GNR's 2010 Favorites: Manga." Graphic Novel Reporter. 1 Dec. 2010. [link]
"The Spring 2009 Anime Preview Guide." 4 April 2009. [link]
"The Fall 2008 Anime Preview Guide." 4 Oct. 2008. [link]
"Before and After: Take a look at the early work of some of today's biggest manga artists." Anime Insider. June 2008: 38-41.
"The Spring 2008 Anime Preview Guide." 8 April 2008. [link]
"Flower Sounds and Beautiful Boys." Otaku USA. Feb. 2008: 55-59.
"Stand-Out Comics: Ten manga that deserve the anime treatment." Anime Insider. Sept. 2007: 26+.
"Golden Girls: The origins of shojo comics are more surprising than you might believe." Anime Insider. June 2007: 41+.
"After the End: What happened when six major manga series outlasted their anime counterparts." Anime Insider. Jan. 2007: 56-58.
"An Introduction to Korean Manhwa." Feb. 2004. [link]
*full list of 1000+ freelance publications available upon request